Thursday, May 22, 2008

West sets eastward for east meets west meet and greet

"West sets eastward for east meets west meet and greet"

How's that for a title? Well it perfectly explains a long anticipated event where my sister's dogs and my dogs meet for the first time! In early June, my sis and her hubby pack up a pair of energetic border collies (are there any other kind?), Josey and Lucas, and head on a road trip from California to a Canine Country Getaway at Glen Highland Farm in upstate NY, where I will be waiting with my pack of two. Let a week of fun and games begin! Trail running! Swimming! Naptime! Frisbee! Agility! Summer BBQs! Fields, meadows, woods, creeks! Running everywhere all the time! And the best thing... off-leash freedom! Fun for human, fun for dog.

Of course we want the dogs to be the bestest friends ever. That will be one of the most interesting things to observe... how our dogs will interact and how that will evolve during the week.

Yes, vacation is still weeks and weeks away, a bit early to post about it here. But my sister was buggin' me that I haven't shown her dogs and mentioned the upcoming adventures of the dogs meeting, and why aren't there any photos of Shada, my brother's dog, etc., etc. So here is that post. For you sister. Can't wait to meet Lucas for the first time and to see Josey all grown up.

1 comment:

  1. Hello dogzoomies! Thank you for leaving a comment on Buzz's blog, because it lead me to your blog, which is just lovely!

    I have been thinking about upgrading the overall look of Buzz's blog and wanted to especially complement you on the fresh, clean style of your blog and posts.

    I look forward to reading more and learning about your dogs!
